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Sensory Blankets
& Weighted Blankets

Have you heard about the effectiveness of various sensory tools for conditions which include Autism, Anxiety, and ADHD among other disorders? These tools are made keeping in mind the issues suffered by people with these disorders. Among these are Sensory Processing issues which often cause problems in the lives of these individuals. With this condition, the individual is subjected to an oversensitive reaction to sensory cues. For instance, certain noises or touch may adversely affect them in ways different from other people. As you might imagine, this can cause frustration, pain, and general unhappiness with its sufferers.  In Saint Malo, MB, Canada at Lil’ Steps Wellness Farm, we offer a variety of sensory tools including weighted blankets or sensory blankets. These blankets have varying weights which act as a comforting anchor for sufferers of this condition of all ages. It can reduce anxiety and is very helpful for resting and getting a good night of sleep. If you are looking for these blankets in Saint-Malo, MB, Canada area, we have what you want!

At Lil’ Steps Wellness Farm, we offer wonderful sensory tools which are helpful in the treatment of many emotional issues. Two excellent sensory products are our Sensory Blankets or our Weighted Blankets. These blankets are very successful with children with ADHD and Autism who may experience sensory processing issues. The blankets help the child to rest better and lift their mood. If you or your child have problems with this issue, you’ll be encouraged to know that others who have the same condition have experienced good results with these blankets.
Our blankets are wonderful aids that are proven successful and in high demand. If you are interested in learning more about our product lines or ordering, you can get the information you need on our website at You’ll also get information about our program, contact, and location information.

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